Hand Size Gills

Catching hand size gills can be challenging, but not if a fisherman has a fertile bluegill fishing spot, prime time of year and day, fishing technique, and most importantly the bait. The best time to fish for bluegills is in the late spring while the bass are spawning and the crappie bite has slowed. They are found in the shallow areas around mud flats, wood, and rocks. The freaky worm is an excellent choice of bait to trigger bluegill's aggression. I recommend using a 1/32 ounce jig head (hook the worm through the nose and the point of the hook should come out the smooth part of the body- worm should be straight- (this is important for the action!) under a 1" cigar bobber. Cast the freaky worm and bobber into a prime location, allow time for the jig head to sink and the bobber to tip up straight. Now its time to start jigging the bobber by slowly twitching the rod tip while reeling in the slack. Jig the bait 2 to 4 feet and stop (allow the bait time to fall to the bottom- when bait falls to bottom of line the bobber will tip up). Most fish strike when the bobber stops and sets for a few seconds. Repeat the action until the bait is out of the prime fishing zone. If the gills are not sinking the bobber add Franky Frank's Crappie Sauce. With this scent, the fish won't let go, which increases your hook-ability. Boom boom pink, Buffalo orange, mossback, and smoke hole white freaky worms will increase the amount of hand size gills you catch.